As a Delegate for Maryland's District 21, I am deeply committed to addressing many issues that impact my constituents and the broader community. My website reflects this dedication and offers a comprehensive overview of my activities and stances:
For years I’ve been an advocate for:
Progressive environmental policies, including:
Advancing renewable energy
Promoting and incentivizing electric vehicle ownership
Eliminating single-use plastics
Protecting Maryland’s waterways, wetlands, and natural resources, including our valuable fin fish and shellfish populations
Planting millions of trees across the states
Advocating for proper, documented disposal of synthetic turf playing fields
Animal protection, including:
Anti-cruelty policies
Increased funding for spaying and neutering of dogs and cats
Support for county animal shelters
Tax fairness to ensure large corporations pay their share
Affordable housing, tenant protections, and landlord licensing
Worker’s rights, including a higher minimum wage, prevailing wage, and the right to collective bargaining for public and private sector employees
Community funding for non-profit and local government construction and renovation projects
Full funding for pre-K to 12 public schools
I’ve spent my most of my adult life doing first community service and then made a career change and switched from journalism to public service.
I’ve been an active member of the West Laurel Civic Association for 30 years, including as a past board member, secretary and president. I’m also a history buff and have been a long-time supporter of the Laurel Historical Society, having served as president and attending as many of its fundraising and other events as my schedule allows. When my four kids were in school, I was actively involved in PTA/PTO, advocating in Upper Marlboro and Annapolis to save Prince George’s County’s elected school board; pushing for more operating and capital funding; and urging adoption of more robust special education policies for students and their parents.
In 2003, I transitioned from being a stay-home mom to working as an education aide to my Prince George’s County Councilman. In 2007, I went to work for MD Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, she taught me the ropes in Annapolis and encouraged my run for elected office. I won an open seat on the Prince George’s County Council where I served from 2010-2018. When a delegate seat opened in District 21 in 2018, I ran and was elected to my first term.
Here in Annapolis, I work during the 90-day session to pass legislation that helps the citizens of District 21 and beyond. Outside of the session, my staff and I provide service to our constituents on everything from housing, health and mental healthcare, food assistance and unemployment benefits, to pedestrian and roadway safety, public transportation challenges and various environmental issues including illegal dumping and flooding. We also spend the nine-month period between sessions researching, drafting and building support for future legislation.
Anne Arundel County Services
Visiting the Senior Dog Sanctuary in Anne Arundel County in December. Dogs age 7 and older are cared for until they can be adopted. Some spend the remainder of their lives at the sanctuary where they are well cared for and loved by the dedicated staff.
Find information on the latest happenings in Anne Arundel County. CLICK HERE
(Top Image) Ribbon cutting for the new Tommy Raskin dog food pantry at Senior Dog Sanctuary on Nov. 20. Congressman Raskin, for whose son the pantry is named cuts the ribbon with his daughter Hannah.
(bottom left image) An injured dog.
Participating in the Laurel Historical Society’s 2023 McCeney March. Pictured with Eileen Collins (left) and Anne Arundel County Councilwoman Julie Hummer. The walk honors the late Jim McCeney, a Laurel native and history buff, and raises money for a college scholarship. The organization is one of my favorite D21 nonprofits. It educates people of all ages about the rich history of Laurel. It also supports the Laurel Museum, which offers an impressive variety of exhibits, programs and events that are low cost or free.
For more information, visit Laurel Historical Society or Laurel Museum.
Prince George's County Services
Touring a new pedestrian connection between U.S. Route 1 and the University of Maryland campus in October with House Speaker Adrienne Jones and District 21 Delegates Ben Barnes and Joseline Peña-Melnyk. Checking out the new, state-of-the-art, green City Hall.
Want more information or the latest happenings in Prince George’s County? CLICK HERE
COVID-19 Resources
Unemployment Services
To file for unemployment, please click here. If you need help getting in contact with the unemployment office, please email us at marylehman@marylehman.com.
Vaccination Services
Get your vaccine! Whether it be your first, second, or booster, you can find a vaccination clinic here. We’re all ready to get back to ‘normal’, and getting vaccinated is the first step!
Testing Services
It is more important than ever to get tested if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the virus, or are experiencing symptoms. Scroll down for a list of testing sites within the Prince George’s and Anne Arundel County lines.

Get Tested Today!
Whether you are experiencing symptoms or not, it is important to get tested if you have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. This document contains testing locations in Anne Arundel County and Prince George’s County. If you know of other places please reach out to our office and let us know!
Tips For This New Normal
Take Care of Yourself: Mentally and Physically
Now more than ever it is important to take care of your body. This means more than daily exercise and eating right; taking mental breaks from work is important to your mental health.
Check out these awesome workouts (for your mind and body!):
Ways to Get Out of the House: Socially Distancing Activities
Everyone is starting to feel the Cabin Fever and sometimes we just need to get out of the house! So when seeing friends or family, don’t forget that it is always best to be outside, six feet apart, and wearing a mask.
Check out these breathtaking sites when meeting up with people:
Protesting? Make Sure You’re Quarantining After!
I’ve always supported Good Trouble. The virus’ presence, however, makes gathering in large groups more dangerous. That being said, peacefully protesting is something I strongly believe in. So if you choose to participate don’t forget to wear a mask, socially distance yourself from others, and quarantine afterwards!
Check out these resources when attending protests:
Let’s work together as a community!
Here are ways to help your neighbors!
Stand Up & Deliver
Prince George’s County is teaming up with the United Way of the National Capital Area to bring Stand Up & Deliver to residents of Prince George’s County. To support food security during this uncertain time, please click the button below to donate.
Anne Arundel Food Bank
The Anne Arundel Food Bank is a great place to volunteer and donate. Families that have been hit hard by the virus are able to depend on the food bank to get their next meal. Click on the button below to learn how you can help.